Effective **06/17/24** we will be reinstating our no show and cancellation within 24 hours fee. All patients who no show or cancel within 24 hours of their appointment will have a charge of $50 added to their account. This fee does not go to insurance and will be patient responsibility. There will be exceptions for emergent situations.
Cape Fear Family & Med One Care's Business hours are
Monday through Friday 8AM- 5PM
What is a sleep study? Sleep studies are tests that watch what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out what is causing your sleep problems.
Sleep apnea is when an adult regularly stops breathing during sleep for 10 seconds or longer. This may be caused by blocked airflow during sleep, such as from narrowed airways, or the apnea may be caused by a problem with how the brain signals the breathing muscles to work.
Some sleep problems include:
Sleep studies can also determine whether or not you have a problem with your stages of sleep. The two stages of sleep are Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement (REM). Normally, NREM and REM alternate 4 to 5 times during a night's sleep. A change in this cycle may make it hard for you to sleep soundly.
A sleep specialist is a certified professional doctor who diagnoses & treats sleep disorders. Most sleep specialists train in internal medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, or neurology during residency. Once they complete their residency, they complete a fellowship program in sleep medicine. Sleep specialists are trained in the field of sleep medicine & have certifications from the American Board of Sleep Medicine, which is part of the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Sleep plays an integral role in general health & sleep specialists are versed in what sleep does & how it can affect you mentally & physically. Sleep specialists can prescribe therapies as well as medications & medical device therapy upon diagnosis. If you are seeking a sleep specialist in Fayetteville, NC or the surrounding areas, contact us today.
You will arrive at the center around 8:30 p.m. so that the study can be performed during more typical sleeping hours. A sleep specialist will ask you some questions about your daily activities, caffeine intake, and the quality of your sleep the night prior to the study.
Your head will be measured and marked with a grease pencil, which washes off, and then small metal cups attached to wires called “leads” will be applied by means of a gel to your head and face. These leads pick up your brain waves, eye movements, and muscle activity. A device to monitor your airflow will be placed under and in your nostrils. This gives vital information about your breathing. A sensor will be applied to your throat to record your snore activity. An EKG lead will be place on each side of your chest to record your heart rhythm.
A band will be placed around your chest and another around your abdomen to record the efforts that your chest and abdomen make while you are breathing. A lighted sensor will be applied to one of your fingers which will record the oxygen level in your blood. Finally, a lead will be applied to each leg to monitor the leg movements which occur during your sleep. A total of 20-21 or more different types of sensors will be applied to you to complete the set-up. None of these sensors hurt and all provide very important information that the doctor will be able to use to diagnose the problems that may be occurring while you sleep. It is a bit different than sleeping at home, but the knowledge that is gained should be very helpful to getting you on the road to many better nights of sleep in the future.
Contact our office today to see if you should have a sleep study done. Our sleep specialist is proud to serve the Fayetteville, NC area.
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