Effective **06/17/24** we will be reinstating our no show and cancellation within 24 hours fee. All patients who no show or cancel within 24 hours of their appointment will have a charge of $50 added to their account. This fee does not go to insurance and will be patient responsibility. There will be exceptions for emergent situations.
Cape Fear Family & Med One Care's Business hours are
Monday through Friday 8AM- 5PM
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the most widely-used test for measuring bone density. It can accurately and precisely monitor changes in bone density in patients with osteoporosis who are undergoing treatment. This machine takes a picture of the bones in the spine and calculates their density. Your bone density and risk of fracture are compared to the "normal" range for people your age as well as to the maximum bone density possible.
This exam is painless and noninvasive, requiring no special preparations. You will lie on a padded table while the X-ray scanning machine moves over your body to capture images. The exam takes about 15 minutes to complete, and the radiation dosage from the X-ray is less than that used for a chest X-ray. Our family doctor has completed hundreds of these X-rays in the past, so you have nothing to worry about.
DEXA bone densitometry is most often used to diagnose osteoporosis. Osteoporosis involves a gradual loss of calcium, causing the bones to become thinner, more fragile, and more likely to break. The DEXA test can also assess your risk for developing fractures. If your bone density is found to be low, you and your primary care doctor or family doctor can work together on a treatment plan to help prevent fractures before they occur.
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